Frequently Used Forms
OUSD 2020-2021 Registration Forms for All Students
For the coming school year, we have moved all registration forms online.
Registration is required every year for all new and returning students.
Learn more about registration >>
New-to-Thornhill Student Forms
Visit OUSD health forms for a comprehensive list of forms you may need, including:
Other Frequently Used Forms & Policies
Note: If you would like to save a copy of the completed OUSD forms for your records, save the blank form on your computer before filling it out. Open up the form from your local drive, fill it out and then re-save to your computer.
Additional OUSD Information
For the coming school year, we have moved all registration forms online.
Registration is required every year for all new and returning students.
- Returning Students: please log into the Aeries Parent Portal to complete registration before the school year begins.
- New Students: please log into your SchoolMint account to complete registration before the school year begins.
Learn more about registration >>
New-to-Thornhill Student Forms
Visit OUSD health forms for a comprehensive list of forms you may need, including:
- Immunization Forms
- Dental Forms
- Medication Forms
- Diabetes Forms
- Asthma Forms
- Severe Allergies Forms
Other Frequently Used Forms & Policies
- Attendance Policy
- Acceptable Use Policy
- School Wellness Policy
- Driver Declaration Form
- Walking Field Trip Permission Slip
(one-page form to be signed and submitted at school)
Note: If you would like to save a copy of the completed OUSD forms for your records, save the blank form on your computer before filling it out. Open up the form from your local drive, fill it out and then re-save to your computer.
Additional OUSD Information
- OUSD Student & Family Handbook
- OUSD Special Education Program
- Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Special Education. The CAC is a committee composed of parents, educators, pupils and adults with disabilities, representatives of public and private agencies, and other persons concerned with the needs of individuals with disabilities. For more information, please visit their website, attend one of the monthly meetings, or call 510.879.8366.